Five Essential Skills Needed for Nursing School

Five Essential Skills Needed for Nursing School

Five Essential Skills Needed for Nursing School

So, you have decided to enroll in a nursing school and become a Licensed Practical Nurse, or LPN. But are you sure that you are ready for the rigors of a nursing program? Nursing programs can be quite intense, especially if the school you choose requires you to attend classes full-time. To help make your transition to a nursing school life easier, five of the most essential skills you need for your studies are described below.

Persistence and Dedication

Two of the most important skills you need to be successful in nursing school are persistence and dedication. What this means in short is that you will need to take your studies seriously. This, in turn, means that you need to attend every required class and clinical on time, and you need to complete all required assignments and projects on or before their posted due dates.

Time Management

While you are in nursing school, it will be the ideal time to work on perfecting your time management skills. Learn how to balance your home and family life with your studies. Additionally, if you are employed, you will need to find a working balance between your job and school schedules. Many LPN students find it extremely helpful to accomplish this by using a small notebook, calendar, or planner to keep track of important dates and school assignments.

Observational and Study Skills

Nursing school is also a great time to work on your observational and study skills. These skills somewhat go hand-in-hand because it will be much easier for you to study if you employ your observational skills during your LPN courses. Keep your eyes and ears open during classes and take as many notes as you can. When you get home, find a quiet place to study.

Communication and People Skills

When taking into account communication and people skills, you may think that you only need these skills after you obtain employment as an LPN. However, they can benefit you during your LPN training as well. It is important to be able to speak with your professors if you are having trouble completing an assignment. Additionally, you must be able to interact well with your fellow students, especially during group projects, laboratories, and clinicals.

Stress Management

Finally, since nursing school can be quite stressful at times, it is important that you know how to manage stress. Although persistent studying is essential to your success as an LPN student, finding time to relax and pamper yourself is just as important. With that said, be sure to include some time for yourself in your planner. Take a relaxing walk, soak in a soothing tub of water, listen to some music, or read a favorite book for a few minutes each day.